-5 Nov. 2007- These are pictures for the suit to be made.
However, the helmet will be replaced with a armet. |
-6 Nov. 2007- The basic pattern for the pauldrons.
This pattern has much mobility because of the seven lames. |
Here is the proto type to play with, I have the angle wrong.
I will modify the 4, 5, 6,7 lames with 5 deg. more. |
-7 Nov. 2007- The new pattern with all the changes.
Keep in mind this is all two dimensional with no compound curves at this time. |
The cardboard pattern. |
The new and old/bad pattern. |
-8 Nov. 2007- This is the pattern after fine tunning.
I changed the angle some more on the top four lames. |
-10 Nov. 2007- OK, got the final pattern for the construction done. |
The red shows all the changes on the new and final pattern.
The arm needs the most mobility, this pattern will accommodate that. |
-12 Nov. 2007- The pattern for the pauldrons on the steel. |
This is the data on the steel for Reference. |
-14 Nov. 2007- The first 16ga. pieces for the pauldron. |
The first lame with the open roll. |
The general shape from the out side. |
The angle of the bending needs to be greater, that will
place the slope angle greater on the out side. |
-15 Nov. 2007- This is a rough idea how the pieces look together. |
The last lame has a closed Italian roll. This is still all very rough, all I have to go from are the pictures. |
-18 Nov. 2007- This is after the lames are drilled and together, now comes the fine tunning of very lame. |
-26 Nov. 2007- After testing the first pauldron I made some changes for more mobility. |
The feeling of the pauldron seems now none intrusive to movements. |
-28 Nov. 2007- The final pattern on the steel for cutting. |
This is the general look, there is a lot of work now to fine tune the pauldrons. |
-29 Nov. 2007- Adjusting the lames and placing the holes in the back of the pauldrons. |
It will have sliding rivets in the back and three leather runs to keep it all in place for high mobile. |
The next part is to contour the lames for a better over lapping and smoother transition. |
The weight of one pauldron is about 4lb. |
-2 Dec. 2007- The first plauldron is done. |
All the lames are semi cleaned and ready to mount. |
The one finished pauldron next to the left one. |
This shows the two lines which run on the side and in the back. |
The inside web of leather. |
I TIG welded the edges of the roll around the neck area. |
The same on the back side. |
The general look. |
-4 Dec. 2007- Working on the left pauldron. |
Shaping the lames on the English wheel. |
-9 Dec. 2007- This is the design for the elbowcop. |
The elbowcop will be build from a single piece of steel and TIG welded together. |
Keep in mind the cop will be oval not round, the cardboard just stays this way. |
The side towards the body will have very little steel. On the orig. it is totally open. |
-10 Dec. 2007- The pattern on the 10'x5' sheet of steel. My son thought they look like reindeer antlers. |
Ready for the plasma cutter. |
This sheet is just to large to work with. After the general cut. |
This is after using the Beverly shears on the steel. It taken about an hour to cut this because of the shape. |
-11 Dec. 2007- The cop being shaped. |
Both cop's are now ready to be TIG welded. |
-12 Dec. 2007- The cop after TIG welding and cleaning. Note: To Mike from NY, I TIG the 304 with 304L (L=Low Carbon) rod's. |
The inside of the cop's still not cleaned, but good fusion from the TIG welding. |
-13 Dec. 2007- Here is the first cop after TIGing and a rough cleaning, all I can say, what a pain. |
-17 Dec. 2007- Placing the lames on the cop and show articulation. |
-18 Dec. 2007- The pattern for the rearvambrace. |
The general idea how it will fit. |
-22 Dec. 2007- The pattern for the vambrace. |
The front opening will be in an angle to function with the gauntlet. |
-23 Dec. 2007- Milanese hinges, I will make them from 16ga. |
I will need 12 of these for the suit, so I will make them all at once. |
Here is the first one, they take a bit longer then I thought, but the rest will go faster. |
I went a bit larger on the pin (.162 inches) this way it will not deform under pressure. I will TIG weld the ends so the pin will never come out. |
-24 Dec. 2007- Here is the second type of Milanese hinge which goes with this suit. |
-25 Dec. 2007- The vambrace pattern cut out. |
Elbow cop and vambrace together. |
-26 Dec. 2007- Misc. views of the vambrace on the elbow cop. |
The last picture shows the hinges TIG welded from both sides. |
-28 Dec. 2007- Making the turn-up on the second elbow-cop. |
Bending the elbow cop in the slip-roll. |
Second pic. |
After TIG welding, now comes the clean-up. |
-1 Jan. 2008- Making the rest of the hinges. |
They just take a lot of time to make out of 16ga. SS. |
-7 Jan. 2008- Making the second vambrace, after rolling the edges. |
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-9 Jan. 2008- Shaped the second vambrace and mounted the hinges. |
There is a inside guard on the lower part of the vambrace, this way the top part will not collapse into the inside. |
-13 Jan. 2008- Made the two lames from cop to vambrace. |
Placed straps on vambrace and did some basic cleaning. |
-15 Jan. 2008- Cleaned the cop and lames. |
Riveted the vambrace / lames / elbow-cop together. |
-21 Jan. 2008- The rear-vambrace. |
The look and the mobility. |
-22 Jan. 2008- The second rear-vambrace. |
Second look. |
-25 Jan. 2008- The pattern for the basic gauntlet. |
The main pieces cut out. |
-1 Feb. 2008- The basic gauntlet idea. |
-6 Feb. 2008- The second gauntlet is now TIG welded together, now comes the cleaning. |
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-20 Feb. 2008- The rest of the pattern. |
-24 Feb. 2008- The basic structure, the handle is 4.25" in circumference. |
-27 Feb. 2008- The first one done. |
-9 Mar. 2008- The arms are done, the leg harness is next. |
-13 Mar. 2008- The Italian / Milan knee guard. |
Close-up this pattern. |
-14 Mar. 2008- Working the first side guard. |
-19 Mar. 2008- The first knee-cob with a new pattern. |
After a rough clean-up. |
-26 Mar. 2008- Articulation of the first lame on the knee-cob. |
Inside view. |
-31 May 2008- The Italian greave design. |
Driving and shrinking work is used, this is the raw work. |
-22 June 2008- The parts for the cuishes. |
The general feel of the armour. |
-27 June 2008- The cuishes the next step. |
-29 June 2008- The cuishes are done, will add the straps during fitting. |
-14 July 2008- The first drawing of the back plate pattern. |
-8 Aug 2008- The pattern with modifications for the sabatons. |
-7 Sep. 2008- Pattern mod. for the boot. |
I will build the pattern as I go, this will be the only way to make this look good. |
-9 Sep. 2008- All the parts which make the sabatons. |
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-10 Sep. 2008- The sabaton raw on the boot. |
-12 Sep. 2008- The front of the sabatons. |
Second view of the articulation. |
-14 Sep. 2008- The sabatons after cleaning, the rest will be done during fitting. |
-16 Sep. 2008- The breastplate design. |
Upper and lower plate, the plates will only connect via. leather so they can move. |
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-17 Sep. 2008- The lower part of the breastplate. |
This piece will be driven with the Englishwheel. |
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-22 Sep. 2008- The upper part of the breastplate, made a second pattern which fit better. |
-23 Sep. 2008- In this set I show how to make a Italian rolls for the breastplate. |
The trick is to go slow, don't kink the steel. |
Keep in mind this is all raw work, the rolls are not final or cleaned. |
That is what it is all about on an Italian roll, there is a gap on the roll which will catch the point of the weapon as it slides over the breastplate. |
-24 Sep. 2008- Here are both pieces for the breastplate. |
The general idea how they fit, now comes the shaping to make these plates work together. |
-24 Sep. 2008- Both pieces have a closer fit. |
The gap between the two plates is very small now, the contour on the top plate made this possible. |
-7 Oct. 2008- The breastplate with the five faults, only the first two are cleaned. |
Just a inside view, the last lame has a rolled edge. |
-9 Oct. 2008- The pattern for the back plate on the steel. |
All the parts cut out, the neck piece will be made after it is constructed. |
-11 Oct. 2008- The top part of the back plate, inside view. |
Outside. |
With the back faulds just balanced on the armor. |
Second view. |
The faulds are now held in place by screws. |
This is a video to show articulation of the back faulds. |
12 Oct. 2008 The tassets, on and of the breastplate. |
19 Oct. 2008 Only the legs. |
22 Oct. 2008 The breastplate is almost done, also the tasset mounting system. |
-25 Oct. 2008- The neck guard on the back plate. |
The hip armor plate has to be adjusted once you get here to get the exact size. |
26 Oct. 2008 The Sabatons are done now, see the mounting system. |
-27 Oct. 2008- The rondels / besagews. |
This was the last pieces of the armor I had to make. |
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-30 Oct. 2008- The helmet liner. |
The band in the helmet is 18ga. 304 SS and will support the leather work. |
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6 Nov. 2008 Scott, in the suit. The End |