This is a project for a shield
depicting the Austrian colors for a
trophy mount.
This order is for Mark R.

This page is depicting this project as we go.

-21 May 2012-
This is the art work for the project
The art work on the wood via the projector.
Art on the wood ready to be cut. -22 May 2012-
The basic cut-out and wood filler.
-23 May 2012-
The raw routing of the art.
-30 May 2012-
Cleaning up and equalizing the wood.
-2 June 2012-
After the first coat of paint.
. .
-10 June 2012-
After aging.
Hanger steel.
-12 June 2012-
Mounting the Antler.
-13 June 2012-
The end.

To the

Klaus Jurgen Gehr (Armorer)

You can contact me at:
Last Modified: May 21, 2012