This project is refurbishing a suit of Armor for Jim T.

This page will track the progress from start to finish.
Refurbishing , Restoring , Reconditioning
a suite of armor / armour.

The armor arrived at the shop on the 7 Jan., 2003.
This is a picture of the inventory.

Close-up of the Armor 3 4 5
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Close-up of the helmet, crack on the center comb.

Close-up of the gauntlets shows fingers in disrepair.

The legs show some promising art under the rust.

The elbow cops show the degree of rust very well.

Heavy grinding done during manufacturing.

This shows the contrast of the first piece we cleaned.

This shows the contrast of the vambrace

Amy, is cleaning the armor with alcohol and rubbing crystalline wax into the steel.

The art work on the greaves after cleaning.

The art work on the tasset after cleaning.

Cleaning part of the visor.

Amy cleaning the visor.

Helmet parts after cleaning.

The helmet cleaned and repaired.

The suit after cleaning and on the stand.

After cleaning the gauntlet's, repaired with new leather.
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To the

Klaus Jürgen Gehr (Armorer)

You can contact me at:
Last Modified: Januar 10, 2004