This project is for a 18ga. stainless steel
set of leg armour, the knee cops will be 16ga.

This page is depicting the project as we make the legs for Cliff.

- 10 Jan. 2007-
This is the type of flange guard Cliff want's for his legs.
The pattern on the steel.
Cutting the greaves with the shears. After a general cleaning of the edges.
Raising the calf muscle with the English Wheel. Both greaves are almost done.
- 12 Jan. 2007-
This is about the end of the greaves.
- 14 Jan. 2007-
This is the design for the knee cop.
The design looks almost like the one from Amber. But the piece is worked to turn in the back.
- 15 Jan. 2007-
Cut out the knee pieces.
It is 19 degrees in the shop this is all I will do tonight. Cutting the stainless feels different at this temp.
-20 Jan. 2007-
The art on the side guards.
All the pieces are cut, the knee-cops are all done.
-22 Jan. 2007-
Italian roll.
Making the second roll.
The general look. All done.

The End

To the

Klaus Jürgen Gehr (Armorer)

You can contact me at:
Last Modified: Jan. 10, 2007